Sunday, September 4, 2016

Will Your Business Benefit From Local SEO

Local Business SEO Many small business owners whether a new start-up or established businesses launching a new product or service to market should complete a marketing plan with potential goals and outcomes that are measurable. You will need to be working to your plan, be consistent and in a realistic time frame. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. That is to say, just concentrate on SEO and assume a page one ranking for a keyword phrase will solve all your problems. I have often said the worst number in business is one. You need multiple streams of marketing to engage leads and likewise, don’t depend on one supplier. Seo is only part of an online-offline  local marketing strategy similar to that provided by Will Polley SEO. In the following article by Marcus Miller he outlines the reasons that SEO may not be the best strategy and gives a detailed breakdown of components that need to be considered by any business that wants to grow and have more customers ringing the phone: Is SEO right for your business? This may seem strange coming from an SEO guy, but there are many situations where organic search may not be the best option for a given marketing challenge. In fact, there are times when SEO is just simply not a good fit. In this article, I am going to look at a few common scenarios we see at my agency where we have been contacted for SEO and have fed back that we believe that SEO is either not aligned with their requirements or there is some other form of mismatch (speed, budget, etc.) see original post here… In the above post, it is well documented that the criteria that business owners should consider when aiming to grow their online exposure to gain potential customers and get an ROI for their marketing investment. So, any business online will want to increase their brand visibility and in doing so can build a trust factor into their marketing. Author Ryan Buckley emphasizes the point that building trust and authority in your local area through your online presence can help attract people looking for a product or service. Having an honest and authentic brand online will encourage more prospects to visit your website with the intention of buying. Local Content: Why Authenticity Matters in Local SEO Local search engine optimization is the key to attracting new customers and improving brand visibility within your local area. However, optimizing a local business website isn’t just a matter of inserting keywords, building a few backlinks, and then waiting for the customers to flood in. If you don’t have an authentic website that offers real value to people in your local area, those visiting your site are likely to bounce away without making a purchase, or having plans to visit your premises. So here are some key reasons why authenticity matters in local SEO, along with some tips for achieving it. read more here… The two articles above give […]

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Sunday, August 7, 2016

7 Content Marketing Tips 2016

7 Content Marketing Tips 2016 You Need To Know To Help Your Mansfield Business Get More Leads Mansfield businesses will need to use Content marketing as it’s going to be more important in 2016 than ever before. We’ve already seen a lot of interesting innovations this year and more are promising to come. Here are 7 content marketing tips 2016. Use these tips to stay ahead of the competition and at the top of Google’s organic rankings. 7. Replying To Tweets To Increase Visibility. Replying to Tweets isn’t a new concept or practice, but it does often go overlooked. More importantly, replying to Tweets that are sharing your content. By replying to these Tweets you are pushing them back to the top of the news feed for people who are in both of your audiences. You don’t need to do this to every single Tweet sharing your content, but doing it for the important content can make a difference. 6. Learn To Repurpose Existing Content. It is never easy learning to repurpose content. After all, content feels done for once it has been used. In actuality, a lot of companies reuse their old content in new ways. It saves time, money, and it’s always nice to squeeze some extra juice out of old content. You can try reconstructing large blocks of content for new industries or just pulling some quotes to share on social media. 5. Take Advantage Of Reddit. Reddit is another interesting content marketing tool that is going to get a lot of use in 2016. It is also a great way to get more use out of older content. Use an additional tool like Buzzsumo to find which content from your site has been shared the most. Then link that content on a relevant Reddit board. You’ll get some immediate traffic if done correctly. 4. Don’t Try To Monetize Your Content Just Yet. As a businessman or woman, you probably have the urge to make money from your content right away. It sounds like a great idea, but it’s actually best to wait until you actually rank somewhere decent. If you can afford to wait until you are in Google’s top list of ranking sites, then do it. Ranking is easier when you aren’t trying to make money from people on the spot. 3. Focus On Delivering Content Faster. People want their content as fast as possible. This means you need to improve page load speeds wherever you can. One way to do this is by utilizing a content distribution network(CDN). A CDN is a network of servers across the globe that all have cached versions of your content. When someone accesses that content it is delivered by the nearest physical server, which cuts down on page load speeds tremendously. 2. Master The Art Of Storytelling. This one might take some time, but if you are able to master the art of storytelling you can really turn up the engagement with your content. People are more likely […]

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Monday, June 6, 2016

Will Polley SEO

Will Polley Search Engine Optimisation   Will Polley SEO Today more than ever small to medium sized businesses seem to struggle with online marketing. Although there shouldn't be any problems as the most important thing is keeping your customers happy and getting your business in front of potential customers and clients. Make sure your product or service is up to scratch; you only get referrals from happy customers. Web Design For Small Business Websites are very important not only in terms of what they look like , but they need to be structured and easy to navigate for viewers. You also need to have good interesting information which will solve their biggest pain at the time they look at your site. And you should be getting their details even if it's just their e-mail address. Search Engine Optimisation Having a well optimised website that converts lookers to actual buyers is great. However, without the right people coming to your site it's all a waste.  SEO or search engine optimisation will make your website get a much better ranking in the main search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. It enhances your brand and builds trust online. A lot of potential sales that are being made online are with mobile devices like your smartphone. As over three-quarters of searches don't go much past the first page you can see how important and beneficial being on page one can be. With a good position in the search results, you are also keeping your competitors out of the way and getting more views, conversions and ultimately sales. So if you own or manage a local type business hiring an SEO expert can be viewed as an investment and not a cost. Online Marketing Strategy That's where getting your online properties all lined up to complement each other helps by using social media management. Getting social signal set up for you new or established business is necessary to help the search engines know you really are a working company. It's also great to talk to customers and keep up to date. Getting likes and shares can help spread the word get more people to your site. If you would like any advice about online marketing and SEO for your business please call Will on 01623 272399

The post Will Polley SEO appeared first on Will Polley SEO.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Small Businesses In Mansfield An SEO Plan

Mansfield SEO Plan to Boost Your Brand   Run A Mansfield Business - Here Are 5 Ways To Boost Your Brand Awareness Using Facebook With over 1.49 billion active monthly users, Facebook continues to be the most valuable social media platform used by small and large businesses alike. Most companies have increased their ad spend to allow more of Facebook marketing. According to a recent report, published in Hubspot, 55% of marketers worldwide have increased their digital marketing budgets to allow more for Facebook promotions and advertisements. In fact, more than 52% of these marketers have found customers on a regular basis using Facebook. If you don’t include Facebook promotions in your marketing campaign, you are leaving a large share of money on the table. This article provides information on 5 ways to boost your brand awareness using one of the most popular social outlets, Facebook. 1. Reduce Your Facebook Promotional or Ad Spend Instead of constantly bombarding your consumers with promotional articles and links, let your readers, customers or clients know a little bit more about your personal life. It will add a personal feel to your Facebook business page. For instance, if you enjoyed a vacation or had something interesting happen to you recently, let your fans know about it through pictures and text. It adds variety to your page, and you will be able to connect with them on a more personal level. Follow the 80/20 rule and add 80% business-related and 20% personal posts. 2. Run A fb Contest There is something about contests that simply drive your viewers and prospects wild. Creating a simple contest will help rapidly gain you a consumer base. You have total control over the amount of money you put out on a contest with all the micro adjustments available in the facebook business advert page. Put the initial work, in organising the contest and your consumers will immediately begin participating with shares and likes. Ask your consumers to make a comment on your post and refer their friends to get more entries for the contest. These types of contests tend to grow fast and add more power to your marketing efforts on Facebook. 3. Respond To Comments: It's Good Customer Service Whatever comments are on your page they need to be responded to immediately or as soon as possible. Social media is the only platform where you can engage your audience on a regular basis. Your business can directly speak with your customers or potential customers on any issues that matter to them. This is an extremely important component of a social media campaign which should not be neglected by the business. Many businesses receive positive press for openly engaging with their consumers in a dialog about their products or services. It is one of the best ways to increase brand awareness and build trust that leads to referrals. 4. You Have To Have A Call To Action Often, it takes a sense of urgency to give your consumers a [...]

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