Monday, June 6, 2016

Will Polley SEO

Will Polley Search Engine Optimisation   Will Polley SEO Today more than ever small to medium sized businesses seem to struggle with online marketing. Although there shouldn't be any problems as the most important thing is keeping your customers happy and getting your business in front of potential customers and clients. Make sure your product or service is up to scratch; you only get referrals from happy customers. Web Design For Small Business Websites are very important not only in terms of what they look like , but they need to be structured and easy to navigate for viewers. You also need to have good interesting information which will solve their biggest pain at the time they look at your site. And you should be getting their details even if it's just their e-mail address. Search Engine Optimisation Having a well optimised website that converts lookers to actual buyers is great. However, without the right people coming to your site it's all a waste.  SEO or search engine optimisation will make your website get a much better ranking in the main search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. It enhances your brand and builds trust online. A lot of potential sales that are being made online are with mobile devices like your smartphone. As over three-quarters of searches don't go much past the first page you can see how important and beneficial being on page one can be. With a good position in the search results, you are also keeping your competitors out of the way and getting more views, conversions and ultimately sales. So if you own or manage a local type business hiring an SEO expert can be viewed as an investment and not a cost. Online Marketing Strategy That's where getting your online properties all lined up to complement each other helps by using social media management. Getting social signal set up for you new or established business is necessary to help the search engines know you really are a working company. It's also great to talk to customers and keep up to date. Getting likes and shares can help spread the word get more people to your site. If you would like any advice about online marketing and SEO for your business please call Will on 01623 272399

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