Sunday, September 20, 2015

Why Local Businesses Need SEO Services

Local Business Search Engine Marketing   If you’re a local business owner, chances are you’re hearing the term SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) in certain circles, perhaps from a business SEO expert. You may be getting emails, mail solicitations, and even phone calls from various agencies that all want to provide you with their SEO services. But, have any of them explained to you why you actually need SEO and why you should be investing a slice of your budget in order to be found in the search results?  What Exactly is Search Engine Optimisation and Why Does It Matter? Simply put, SEO involves performing a number of different things in order to make the search engines online view your website more favorably and therefore rank higher. Online optimisation is a method for getting traffic to your site from ‘organic’, ‘free’, ‘natural’, or ‘editorial’ search results regarding the search engines as opposed to paying for listings that are located along the sides and top of the search engine sometimes known as ad-words or pay per click results page.  Boosting your webpage or website as high as possible in the search engine rankings will benefit you in several ways, some of which include: • SEO attracts visitors who want what you have to offer. Google fights every day to hang on to market share through the use of search algorithms that are squarely focused on providing users outstanding relevant results that correspond to the desires of the searcher.  • SEO naturally highlights both your brand and business. In fact, research illustrates that brand searches are becoming increasingly more important in the search engine rankings in general.  • Good SEO practices bring more customers. As a result, this means more business and revenue overall.  Even though there are many other search engines besides Google, including Bing, Yahoo, and even YouTube and Facebook, Google is still the king in the world of online searches. Here’s the good news – if you’re ranking well on Google, many times that success translates over to the other search engines as well, in spite of their different algorithms. Google works to process over 40,000 searches per second, which equates to nearly 3.6 billion searches per day. That’s over one trillion searches per year across the globe. Yes, SEO matters.  SEO is a key player in determining how well a business will succeed online and rank in the search engines. It’s also a major contributor to helping a company’s brand continue to grow. Here are six important reasons why your brand needs a business SEO expert: 1. Virtually everyone searches online to locate and learn about a business.  By incorporating a smart SEO strategy, you can greatly improve the odds of expanding your local customer base in order to engage with your organization and therefore increase sales. Consider how convenient it is for any consumer to simply look someone up online. They have the ability to not only search for a particular business, but provide comments and reviews about […]

The post Why Local Businesses Need SEO Services appeared first on Will Polley SEO.

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